
Literature & Fiction

Dare to Imagine Publishing presents Keith Lee Johnson’s groundbreaking book, REDEMPTION , which influenced 13 additional novels by the author. REDEMPTION features Jericho Wise, a Berkeley dropout, and CIA sponsored narcotics kingpin is looking at life without the possibility of parole. The only way to avoid prison is to killed Nora Clayter, who has just been promoted to the director’s chair of the nation’s spy apparatus. Clayter, an unapologetic lesbian, has been tasked with rooting out rogue elements within the Agency. She has Jericho in her sites. Younger brother, Sterling, who recently won a nationally covered trial is a brilliant attorney who is being offered the deal of the century if he can ignore his conscience. Youngest brother, William, is a widower of five years. He’s about to embark upon a forbidden, but promising relationship with the wrong woman—Terry Moretti; a relationship that could quite possible cost him his fortune and his life.

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Keith Lee Johnson

Keith Lee Johnson is a United States Air Force veteran, the author of 14 novels, and the former editor of Insight Magazine. He served his country in Texas, Mississippi, Nevada, California, Turkey, and various other places in his four years of active service. He has written in several genres including, suspense/thrillers, drama, historical fiction, and contemporary fiction. His most successful novels are the Little Black Girl Lost stories, seven to date. The journey to publication was an arduous one and began at Robert S. Rogers High School during the Fall semester when his Composition teacher ridiculed him in front of his peers for a poorly written paper. Humiliated, he dropped the class, and no longer pursued education. Two decades later, he entered Owens Community College as it was more cost effective. Upon graduation, he planned to attend a fully accredited local university to get a degree in psychology as he never intended to be an author. That, too, was interrupted by a literature professor who challenged his ability to write a credible story early in the Fall semester. Unlike his high school experience, he accepted the challenge, picked up a pen that very day, and has been writing ever since. His failed past turned into fierce determination. He worked fulltime and was a fulltime student. He went on to graduate with honors and became the commencement speaker for the December graduating class. He lives in Toledo, Ohio.