Self-Publishing Checklists

Quickly Create Your Author Platform to Convert Your Visitors into Leads Then Customers…

(Without Hiring a Tech Team or Relying on Your Publisher)

In order to succeed you should simply model what successful people are already doing. Take a look at the top coaches, consultants and experts in their respective fields and you’ll notice one common thread amongst them. They’re published authors who use a book as the ultimate credibility builder in their business.

Yes, but it takes a long time to write. It’s a hard, tedious and mind numbingly boring process. Besides, I’m no JK Rowling or Stephen King and I need the extra money yesterday.

“By using your book to market your business, you have far more freedom and flexibility. Your book becomes the subliminal sales tool that drives people into your office. For any business, there is no more essential a tool of authority than authorship. One of the very first things I’ve done every time I’ve entered a market is write and publish a book on a subject of specific interest to that market.”
– Dan Kennedy

How These Self-Publishing Checklists Help You?

These 18 checklists cover everything from planning, positioning, publishing, promoting and profiting from your book, and best of all – everything is covered step by step.

Here’s What You Get

Book Planning
Book Writing
Book Cover
Book Publishing
Book Marketing
Createspace Sales
Lulu Sales
Kindle Sales
Amazon Advertising
Online Advertising
Giveaway Funnels
Free + Shipping
Local Launch
Online Launch
Lead Generation
Book Backend
Speaking Gigs
Book Translation

“From a business perspective, writing a book is the fastest way to gain credibility, establish yourself as an expert in your field, and build a professional reputation. It can also be used as a promotional item and marketing tool for your business. Think about it: What sort of impression do you get when you meet someone who has become a published author? Without even knowing them, you might assume that if they were able to write an entire book and get it published, they must be an expert.”
– Brian Tracy

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Self-Publihing Checklists?

Inside, you get access to 18 checklists revolving around the topic of self publishing. These contain all the information you need to start in the right direction.

Why should I get these Self-Publishing Checklists?

These checklists come from over 30 years of publishing and 20 years of Internet Marketing experience. They will help you benefit from our time, learn from our mistakes and get better results from the time and work invested in your book.

How much are these worth?

It really depends on how much time these checklists save you. Keep in mind though, even a Google search can’t give you all of these items in one place; much less store all of your answers.

What will they do for me?

These are a massive shortcut to success that makes it fast and easy for you to publish and print ebooks the smart way.

“Build My Author Platform”